US 59/US 259 North Nacogdoches (Future I-69) – From Stallings Drive/Loop 224 to 1.3 miles north of US 259 in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
CSJs (Control Section Job Numbers): 2560-01-085, 0175-07-059, 0175-07-060, 0138-06-046
In-Person Open House:
Nacogdoches County Exposition & Civic Center
3805 NW Stallings Drive
Nacogdoches, TX 75964
Thursday, Aug. 3, 2023
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
This virtual public meeting consists of presentation materials explaining the project purpose, the proposed changes to the roadway, and the process for evaluation.
Meeting Purpose
Inform the public of project status, changes since the last public meeting, and present recommendations.
Describe the project so the public can determine how they may be affected.
Provide the public the opportunity to contribute input.
Develop a record of public participation.
To provide a written comment at any point, click the “Comment” button at the top right corner of your screen. You may close the form to continue through the slides. Once finished, please make sure to hit “Submit” to confirm that your comment is sent. Please provide comments by Friday, Aug. 18, 2023, to be included in the meeting summary report.
How to Navigate
- Click the arrow on the right side of your screen.
- Scroll down on each page to view all content.
- Use the navigation bar on the left side of your screen to revisit any part of the meeting.
- Click through all seven (7) pages to view all materials.
Meeting Sign In (Optional)
Project Overview
Where is the project and what is involved?
Project Location
The US 59/US 259 North Nacogdoches (Future I-69) project area limits include US 59 from Stallings Drive/Loop 224 to 1.3 miles north of US 259 in Nacogdoches.
Click to enlargeStudy Need & Purpose
US 59 does not meet current interstate standards
The US 59/US 259 interchange is inadequate for current and future traffic volumes, which results in:
- Traffic congestion
- Reduced mobility
- Increase in traffic crashes

Bring US 59 and the US 59/US 259 interchange to current interstate standards:
- Making US 59 a controlled access roadway
- Reconfiguring the interchange to improve connectivity, reduce congestion, and increase mobility and safety

US 59 is:
- A hurricane evacuation route,
- A major freight corridor,
- And part of the I-69 corridor.
The proposed project is needed because US 59 within the project limits does not meet current interstate standards and the US 59/US 259 interchange inadequately performs to meet current and future traffic volumes resulting in congestion, reduced mobility, and increased traffic crashes.
The project’s purpose is to:
- Bring US 59 and the US 59/US 259 interchange up to current interstate standards by making it a controlled access roadway and reconfiguring the interchange to improve connectivity, reduce congestion, increase mobility, and enhance safety.
Traffic Growth
Traffic is increasing in the US 59/US 259 North Nacogdoches project area, leading to worsening traffic conditions and higher levels of congestion. Traffic in the project area is expected to increase 60% from 2023 to 2050. In addition, on average, 19% of the traffic volume is truck traffic, and that number is expected to grow. This project proposes to upgrade the existing US 59 roadway to meet interstate standards, which will provide a controlled access roadway increasing efficiency and improving connectivity for Nacogdoches and the surrounding area.

Traffic and Safety Analysis
Within the project limits, the US 59/US 259 North Nacogdoches interchange has a high concentration of crashes. From 2018-2022, there were 247 total crashes in the interchange. 76% of total crashes occurred in daylight, and 24% of total crashes occurred in the dark with limited or no lighting. The proposed upgrades to the US 59 interchange would focus on safety enhancements, such as reconfiguring the US 59/US 259 interchange and providing a raised median along the US 259 project limits, both with the goal of decreasing future crashes.

Existing Typical Sections
The current roadway is a four-lane roadway that varies between an undivided median with two-way travel lanes, and a divided median. It also includes 10-foot outside shoulders and no pedestrian connectivity.
US 59 Existing Typical Section: North of US 259
Click to enlargeUS 59 Existing Typical Section: South of US 259
Click to enlargeProposed Typical Section
The proposed project would include:
- Construction of concrete barrier-divided mainlanes that consist of four 12-foot-wide travel lanes, two in each direction, 10-foot-wide inside shoulders and 12-foot-wide outside shoulders.
- One-way frontage roads that consist of two 12-foot-wide travel lanes with a four-foot inside shoulder and a 10-foot outside shoulder.
- A shared-use path on US 59 throughout the project limits and six-foot sidewalks on US 259.
US 59 North and South of US 259
Click to enlargeSchematic Changes
Changes Since Public Meeting #1
A number of design changes have been made to the schematic since Public Meeting #1 in May 2022. Changes were made as a result of public comment and additional data collected. The design changes include:
- Project limits were extended to CR 205 to add a left turn and upgrade CR 205 intersection, and concrete barrier was extended for the US 59 turnaround.
- The cul-de-sac at CR 101 was removed.
- The proposed right-of-way was reduced near CR 101 to limit impacts to trees.
- TxDOT will be conducting a noise analysis to determine potential noise impacts as part of their NEPA analysis.
- An access road was added from US 59B (North Street) to Cumberland Drive/CR 2091 at Northfork Estates.
- The cul-de-sac was removed at the southwest corner of interchange and added access road between southbound US 259 and US 59 southbound frontage road.
- The frontage roads were extended from FM 343 to Stallings Drive/LP 224
- A proposed truck parking location has been included between FM 343 and Stallings Drive/LP 224
Thank you to all who provided this helpful feedback during our public meeting comment period!
See the detailed schematic design here.
Shown at Public Meeting #1

Updated Design

Shown at Public Meeting #1

Updated Design

What's Next
Study Timeline — Subject to Change
Data Collection - Fall 2020
- Site visits
- Review current roadway plans
- Right-of-way abstract map
- Utilities
Alternative Analysis - 2020 to May 2022
- Alternatives development
- Develop constraints report
- Evaluation matrix
- Solicit input on project at public meeting (May 2022)
Schematic Design and Environmental Study - June 2020 - 2024
- Refine design and develop schematic
- Public meeting #2 (August 2023)
- Environmental studies and agency coordination
- Right-of-way mapping
- Public Hearing (Spring 2024)
- Obtain schematic and environmental approval from TxDOT Division
Details Engineering Plans - 2024 to 2029
- Right-of-way acquisition
- Utility relocation
- Final design
- Construction upon approval (Letting in 2029)
The project timeline is as follows. Data collection began in fall 2020 where site visits were conducted, the roadway plans were reviewed, as-builts and the right-of-way abstract map were created, and utilities were located. Between 2020 and May 2022, the project team developed alternatives and an environmental constraints report, as well as the evaluation matrix. In addition, the project team solicited input during the first public meeting in May 2022.
We’re currently in the schematic design & environmental study stage. During this stage, the team will solicit additional input at this public meeting, and coordinate with local agencies to work on finalizing the schematic and environmental studies. Once the schematic design and environmental studies have been completed, TxDOT will hold a public hearing (or afford an opportunity for one) to present and solicit comments on the schematic and environmental documentation. The public hearing may be held in spring 2024. After analyzing feedback from the hearing, TxDOT will make final revisions and submit the schematic and environmental document for approval from TxDOT Division.
TxDOT anticipates to begin the right-of-way acquisition process, relocation of utilities and development of the detailed engineering plans and estimates in 2024. The right-of-way acquisition process and relocation of utilities is anticipated to take approximately four years. Construction is tentatively scheduled to start in 2029.
Information on Right-of-Way Acquisition
Information about the right-of-way purchasing process including topics such as appraisal, compensation and relocation assistance may be found at www.txdot.gov and by searching “US 59/US 259 North.”
How to Submit Your Comments
Please submit your comments regarding this Public Meeting by using any of the five methods below by our deadline, Friday, Aug. 18, 2023.
For general questions about the presentation or the project, please contact Jennifer Adams, TxDOT Project Manager, at Jennifer.Adams@txdot.gov or via phone at 936-633-4383.
Comment Card
Leave written comments at the in-person event
Online Comment
TxDOT.gov, keyword search "US 59/US 259 North"
Email Comments
Mail-in Comments
TxDOT Lufkin District
1805 N. Timberland Drive
Lufkin, TX 75901 -
(936) 337-2353
Thank you!
We sincerely appreciate you visiting the US 59/US 259 North Nacogdoches (Future I-69) virtual public meeting — your feedback is important! Thank you.